73 lines
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73 lines
2.2 KiB
test -f ./flake.nix || {
echo 'This should be run from the root of the repository!'
exit 1
echo 'Enter the name of the device to WIPE and install (something like "sda"):'
echo 'Enter a passphrase to encrypt the disk:'
echo "Creating partition table..."
parted -s "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}" -- mklabel gpt || exit 1
echo "Creating EFI system partition..."
parted -s "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}" -- mkpart ESP 1MiB 1GiB &&
parted -s "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}" -- set 1 boot on &&
mkfs.fat -F32 "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}1" -n NIX_BOOT || exit 1
echo "Creating encrypted root partition..."
parted -s "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}" -- mkpart luks 1GiB 100% &&
echo "$DRIVE_PASSPHRASE" | cryptsetup --batch-mode luksFormat --label CRYPT_ROOT "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}2" &&
echo "$DRIVE_PASSPHRASE" | cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}2" "crypt_root" && {
echo "Creating btrfs partition..."
mkfs.btrfs --quiet --label NIX_ROOT /dev/mapper/"crypt_root" &&
MNTPOINT=$(mktemp -d) &&
mount /dev/mapper/"crypt_root" "$MNTPOINT" && {
echo "Creating subvolumes..."
btrfs subvolume create "$MNTPOINT"/main
btrfs subvolume create "$MNTPOINT"/home
btrfs subvolume create "$MNTPOINT"/swap
echo "Closing btrfs partition..."
umount -Rl "$MNTPOINT" &&
rm -rf "$MNTPOINT"
echo "Mounting root btrfs submodule..."
MNTPOINT=$(mktemp -d) &&
mount /dev/mapper/"crypt_root" "$MNTPOINT" -o subvol=main,noatime,compress=zstd && {
echo "Creating and mounting EFI system partition mountpoint..."
mkdir -p "$MNTPOINT/boot/efi" &&
mount "/dev/${DRIVE_ID}1" "$MNTPOINT/boot/efi" &&
echo "Creating home partition mountpoint..." &&
mkdir -p "$MNTPOINT/home" &&
mount /dev/mapper/"crypt_root" "$MNTPOINT/home" -o subvol=home,noatime,compress=zstd &&
echo "Swapfile" &&
mkdir -p "$MNTPOINT/swap" &&
mount /dev/mapper/"crypt_root" "$MNTPOINT/home" -o subvol=swap,noatime &&
echo "Installing system..." &&
nixos-install --flake .#i15 --root "$MNTPOINT"
echo "Closing root btrfs submodule..."
umount -Rl "$MNTPOINT" &&
rm -rf "$MNTPOINT"
echo "Closing encrypted root partition..."
cryptsetup close "crypt_root"