169 lines
5.3 KiB
169 lines
5.3 KiB
snippet_support = false
verbosity = 2
# exit session if no requests were received during given period in seconds
# works only in unix sockets mode (-s/--session)
# set to 0 to disable
timeout = 1800 # seconds = 30 minutes
filetypes = ["angular"]
roots = [".angular", ".git"]
command = "node"
args = [
filetypes = ["sh"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "bash-language-server"
args = ["start"]
filetypes = ["c", "cpp"]
roots = ["compile_commands.json", ".clangd", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "clangd"
filetypes = ["css"]
roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-css-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["less"]
roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-css-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["html"]
roots = ["package.json"]
command = "vscode-html-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "_"
# quotePreference = "single"
# javascript.format.semicolons = "insert"
filetypes = ["javascript", "typescript"]
roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", "jsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "typescript-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "_"
# quotePreference = "double"
# typescript.format.semicolons = "insert"
filetypes = ["json"]
roots = ["package.json"]
command = "vscode-json-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["nix"]
command = "nil"
roots = ["flake.nix", "shell.nix", ".git"]
formatting.command = [ "nixfmt" ]
filetypes = ["php"]
roots = [".htaccess", "composer.json"]
command = "intelephense"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "intelephense"
storagePath = "/tmp/intelephense"
format.braces = "k&r"
environment.includePaths = [
files.exclude = [
stubs = [
"apache", "bcmath", "bz2", "calendar", "com_dotnet", "Core", "ctype",
"curl", "date", "dba", "dom", "enchant", "exif", "FFI", "fileinfo", "filter",
"fpm", "ftp", "gd", "gettext", "gmp", "hash", "iconv", "imagick", "imap",
"intl", "json", "ldap", "libxml", "mbstring", "meta", "mysqli", "oci8",
"odbc", "openssl", "pcntl", "pcre", "PDO", "pdo_ibm", "pdo_mysql", "pdo_pgsql",
"pdo_sqlite", "pgsql", "Phar", "posix", "pspell", "readline", "Reflection",
"session", "shmop", "SimpleXML", "snmp", "soap", "sockets", "sodium",
"SPL", "sqlite3", "standard", "superglobals", "sysvmsg", "sysvsem", "sysvshm",
"tidy", "tokenizer", "xml", "xmlreader", "xmlrpc", "xmlwriter", "xsl",
"Zend OPcache", "zip", "zlib",
filetypes = ["rust"]
roots = ["Cargo.toml"]
command = "sh"
args = [
if path=$(rustup which rust-analyzer 2>/dev/null); then
# See https://rust-analyzer.github.io/manual.html#configuration
# cargo.features = []
checkOnSave.command = "clippy"
hoverActions.enable = false # kak-lsp doesn't support this at the moment
filetypes = ["gd", "gdscript", "gdscript3"]
roots = ["project.godot", ".git/"]
command = "nc"
args = [ "localhost", "6008"]
# Semantic tokens support
# See https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/specification-current/#textDocument_semanticTokens
# for the default list of tokens and modifiers.
# However, many language servers implement their own values.
# Make sure to check the output of `lsp-capabilities` and each server's documentation and source code as well.
# Examples:
# - TypeScript: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/blob/main/client/src/common/semanticTokens.ts
# - Rust Analyzer: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer/blob/master/crates/ide/src/syntax_highlighting.rs
faces = [
{face="documentation", token="comment", modifiers=["documentation"]},
{face="comment", token="comment"},
{face="function", token="function"},
{face="keyword", token="keyword"},
{face="module", token="namespace"},
{face="operator", token="operator"},
{face="string", token="string"},
{face="type", token="type"},
{face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["readonly"]},
{face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["constant"]},
{face="variable", token="variable"},