#{{@@ header() @@}} # __ _ _ # / _(_)___| |__ # | |_| / __| '_ \ # | _| \__ \ | | | # |_| |_|___/_| |_| # Fine, I'll do it myself function fish_vi_cursor;end function fish_mode_prompt;end ############################################################ # Color helpers ############################################################ function _fish_prompt_color -a color # separate line needed for bold normal set_color $color set_color --bold set -e argv[1] echo -en $argv end alias _fish_prompt_warn "_fish_prompt_color 'yellow'" alias _fish_prompt_normal "_fish_prompt_color 'normal'" alias _fish_prompt_accent "_fish_prompt_color '$__accent_color'" ############################################################ # Git ############################################################ function _fish_prompt_git_status -a git_status_s code symbol color echo $git_status_s | string match -qr "^$code" and _fish_prompt_color "$color" "$symbol" end function _fish_prompt_git_detached git symbolic-ref -q HEAD &> /dev/null or git show --oneline -s | string match -r '^\w+' end function _fish_prompt_git_remote_branches git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/remotes end function _fish_prompt_git_unpushed_branches timeout 5s git log \ --branches \ --simplify-by-decoration \ --not \ --remotes \ --no-walk \ --oneline \ --decorate \ --pretty=format:%D | string replace 'HEAD -> ' '' | string split ', ' end function fish_git_prompt command -qs git or return set -l here (string replace -r '/\.git(/.*)?$' '' "$PWD") test -d "$here" or return pushd "$here" ############################################################ # Check if in a git repo and save branch and status ############################################################ set -l git_branch (git branch --show-current 2> /dev/null);or return set -l git_detach (_fish_prompt_git_detached) set -l git_remote_branch (git rev-parse --abbrev-ref (git branch --show-current)@{u} 2> /dev/null) set -l git_status_s (timeout 5s git status -s | string collect) set -l git_log_unpushed (_fish_prompt_git_unpushed_branches) _fish_prompt_normal " on " ############################################################ # Left side represents Index/Filesystem ############################################################ _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" '.M' '~' 'yellow' # Modified _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" '.D' '-' 'red' # Deleted _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" '\?\?' '?' 'normal' # Untraked files exist _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" 'UU' '!' 'yellow' # Unmerged files exist # Print name of branch or checkedout commit if test -n "$git_detach" _fish_prompt_warn "$git_detach" else if test -n "$git_branch" _fish_prompt_accent "$git_branch" else _fish_prompt_warn "init" end # if we have at least one commit if git rev-parse HEAD -- &>/dev/null # print a "↑" if ahead of origin test 0 -ne (git log --oneline "$git_remote_branch"..HEAD -- | wc -l) and set -f _git_sync_ahead '↑' # print a "↓" if behind of origin test 0 -lt (git log --oneline HEAD.."$git_remote_branch" -- | wc -l) and set -l _git_sync_behind '↓' if set -q _git_sync_ahead _git_sync_behind _fish_prompt_normal '⇅' else if set -q _git_sync_ahead _fish_prompt_normal '↑' else if set -q _git_sync_behind _fish_prompt_normal '↓' end if test -n "$git_log_unpushed" and not string match -qr "$git_branch" "$git_log_unpushed" _fish_prompt_normal '↻' _fish_prompt_warn $git_log_unpushed[1] end end ############################################################ # Right side represents WorkTree/Staged ############################################################ _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" 'A.' '+' 'green' # New file _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" 'M.' '~' 'green' # Modified _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" 'R.' '→' 'yellow' # Moved _fish_prompt_git_status "$git_status_s" 'D.' '-' 'red' # Deletion staged popd end ############################################################ # Program time indicator ############################################################ function __fish_prompt_set_last_command_start --on-event fish_preexec set -g __fish_prompt_last_command_start (date +%s.%N) end function __fish_prompt_set_last_command_end --on-event fish_postexec set -g __fish_prompt_last_command_end (date +%s.%N) end function fish_program_time_prompt_print -a diff set -l diff (math "round ($diff * 100) / 100") set -l unit secs if test $diff -gt 60 set unit "mins" set diff (math $diff / 60) end if test $diff -gt 60 set unit "hours" set diff (math $diff / 60) end if test "$diff" -gt 1 _fish_prompt_normal " took " _fish_prompt_warn ( # force formatting as 0.1 instead of 0,1 env LC_ALL=C printf "%.02f" "$diff" ) _fish_prompt_normal $unit end end function fish_program_time_prompt if test -z "$__fish_prompt_last_command_start" or test -z "$__fish_prompt_last_command_end" return end set -l difference (math $__fish_prompt_last_command_end - $__fish_prompt_last_command_start) fish_program_time_prompt_print $difference set -eg __fish_prompt_last_command_start set -eg __fish_prompt_last_command_end end ############################################################ # Vi mode indicator ############################################################ function fish_vimode_prompt # Not fish_mode_prompt! if not test $fish_key_bindings = fish_vi_key_bindings printf '\e[5 q' # Bar return end # Set cursor shape if test $fish_bind_mode = insert printf '\e[5 q' # Bar else printf '\e[1 q' # Block end # Print mode symbol, N for normal, I for insert, etc... # on most cases first letter of mode name _fish_prompt_accent ( switch $fish_bind_mode case replace_one printf 'o' case default printf 'n' case '*' printf (string match -r '^.' $fish_bind_mode ) end | string upper )' ' end ############################################################ # Main prompt ############################################################ function fish_prompt # Save current status as it may be overwritten before usage set _status $status _fish_prompt_accent $USER _fish_prompt_normal " in " _fish_prompt_accent (prompt_pwd) if test -n "$SSH_TTY" _fish_prompt_normal " at " _fish_prompt_accent "$hostname" end if test -n "$IN_NIX_SHELL" _fish_prompt_normal " with " _fish_prompt_accent "nix" end fish_git_prompt fish_program_time_prompt # Line break echo fish_vimode_prompt if test $_status -ne 0 _fish_prompt_warn "$_status " end if test $USER = root _fish_prompt_normal '# ' else _fish_prompt_normal '$ ' end # Reset colors set_color normal end # These don't seem to work # set fish_cursor_default block blink # set fish_cursor_insert line blink # set fish_cursor_replace_one underscore blink # set fish_cursor_visual block