{ config, pkgs, lib, font, ... }:
  inherit (pkgs.uservars) key theme accent font browser;
  inherit (theme) color;
  programs.qutebrowser.settings = {
    hints.border = "2px solid ${accent.color}";

    content.user_stylesheets = "style.css";
    colors = {

      # Tabs

      tabs =
          tabs_defaults = {
            odd = {
              fg = color.txt;
              bg = color.bg;
            even = {
              fg = color.txt;
              bg = color.bg_dark;
            selected = {
              odd = {
                fg = accent.fg;
                bg = accent.color;
              even = {
                fg = accent.fg;
                bg = accent.color;
          bar = { bg = color.bg; };
          pinned = tabs_defaults;
        } // tabs_defaults;

      # Completion for urls and commands

      completion = {
        fg = color.txt;
        even = { bg = color.bg; };
        odd = { bg = color.bg; };
        scrollbar = { bg = color.bg_dark; };
        match = { fg = accent.color; };
        category = {
          fg = color.txt;
          bg = color.bg_dark;
          border = {
            top = color.bg_dark;
            bottom = color.bg_dark;
        item = {
          selected = {
            fg = accent.fg;
            bg = accent.color;
            border = {
              top = color.bg_dark;
              bottom = color.bg_dark;
            match = { fg = color.txt; };

      # Statusbar

      statusbar = {
        normal = {
          fg = color.txt;
          bg = color.bg;
        insert = {
          fg = color.normal.green;
          bg = color.bg;
        passthrough = {
          fg = color.normal.blue;
          bg = color.bg;
        command = {
          fg = color.txt;
          bg = color.bg;
        caret = {
          selection = {
            fg = accent.fg;
            bg = accent.color;
        url = {
          success = {
            https = { fg = color.txt; };
            http = { fg = color.normal.red; };
          hover = { fg = color.normal.cyan; };
      # Downloads

      downloads = {
        start = { bg = color.normal.blue; };
        stop = { bg = color.normal.green; };
        bar = { bg = color.bg; };

      # Choice of what element should be clicked

      hints = {
        fg = color.txt;
        bg = color.bg;
        match = { fg = accent.color; };

      # List of what each keybinding does

      keyhint = {
        fg = color.txt;
        bg = color.bg;
        suffix = { fg = accent.color; };

      # Right click menu

      contextmenu = {
        menu = {
          fg = color.txt;
          bg = color.bg;
        selected = {
          fg = accent.fg;
          bg = accent.color;
        disabled = { fg = color.bg_light; };

      # Dark theme

      # webpage = lib.mkIf (color.type == "dark") {
      #   bg = color.bg;
      #   preferred_color_scheme = "dark";
      #   darkmode = {
      #     enabled = false;
      #     threshold = {
      #       text = 150;
      #       background = 205;
      #     };
      #   };
      # };
  home.file = {
    ".config/qutebrowser/style.css".text = ''
      ${lib.optionalString (color.type == "dark") ''
        input[type="button"] {
            color: unset;
            background-color: unset;

        body {
            background-image: none !important;

         * Remove borked ellements *

        .search-filters-wrap:before, .search-filters-wrap:after {

            display: none;

       * Hide some ads *

      #sr-header-area .redesign-beta-optin,
      .spacer .premium-banner-outer,

      div#masthead-ad ,
      ytd-popup-container {
          display: none !important;