set -e


search() {
    tabs 8

    mpc playlist --format '%artist% : %title%@pos:%position%' |
        sed '/^ : \t/d'|
        column -ts"@" |
        $menu |
        grep -o  'pos:.*' |
        cut -d: -f2 |
        xargs -r mpc play

get_current() {
    music_root=$(xdg-user-dir MUSIC || echo "$HOME/Music")
    current_file=$(mpc current -f %file%)

    echo "${music_root}/${current_file}"

delete() {
    answer=$(printf "nothing\n$current" | $menu -p"delete?")
    if test "$answer" = "$current"; then
        trash "$answer"
        mpc --quiet next
        mpc --quiet update

        path=$(echo $answer | sd "$HOME" '~')
        notify-send "Removed Music" "$path"

yank() {

    # Some programs need you to pass a path, not the contents
    wl-copy --type 'text/uri-list' "file:///${current}"

    notify-send "Yanked Music" "$(echo $current | sd "$HOME" "~")"

padd() {
    cd "$music_root"
    choice=$(fd -E '*.lrc' -E '*.m3u8' | sort | $menu -p "Add Songs(Use Ctrl):")
    mpc add "$choice" &&
        notify-send "Added Music" "$(echo $choice | sd "$HOME" "~")" ||
        notify-send "Failed to Add Music" "$(echo $choice | sd "$HOME" "~")"

pclear() {
    mpc clear &&
        notify-send "Cleared Playlist" ||
        notify-send "Failed Clear Playlist"

psave() {
    name=$(mpc playlist | $menu -p 'Save Playlist(Use Shift): ')

    mpc save "$name" &&
        notify-send "Created playlist" "$name" ||
        notify-send "Failed to Create Playlist" "$name"

pload() {
    name=$(mpc lsplaylists | $menu -p 'Load Playlist: ')

    mpc clear
    mpc load "$name" &&
        notify-send "Loaded playlist" "$name" ||
        notify-send "Failed to Load Playlist" "$name"

pdelete() {
    name=$(mpc lsplaylists | $menu -p 'Delete Playlist: ')

    mpc delete "$name" &&
        notify-send "Deleted playlist" "$name" ||
        notify-send "Failed to Delete Playlist" "$name"

usage() {
    cmdname=$(basename "$0")
    echo "Commands:"
    echo "  $cmdname search   -- Search and play songs."
    echo "  $cmdname delete   -- Prompt to delete the current song."
    echo "  $cmdname yank     -- Copy current music to clipboard."
    echo "Playlist Commands:"
    echo "  $cmdname padd     -- Add song"
    echo "  $cmdname pclear   -- Clear"
    echo "  $cmdname psave    -- Save"
    echo "  $cmdname pload    -- Load"
    echo "  $cmdname pdelete  -- Delete"

case "$1" in
    delete | search | yank | padd | pclear | psave | pload | pdelete)
        test -n "$1"
        echo "Unreconized option: $1"