{ config, pkgs, lib, font, ... }: let inherit (pkgs.uservars) browser; in { config = { xdg.desktopEntries = { kak = { name = "Kakoune"; genericName = "Text Editor"; comment = "Edit text files"; exec = "kak %F"; terminal = true; type = "Application"; icon = "kak.desktop"; categories = [ "Utility" "TextEditor" ]; startupNotify = true; mimeType = [ "text/english" "text/plain" "text/x-makefile" "text/x-c++hdr" "text/x-c++src" "text/x-chdr" "text/x-csrc" "text/x-java" "text/x-moc" "text/x-pascal" "text/x-tcl" "text/x-tex" "application/x-shellscript" "text/x-c" "text/x-c++" ]; settings = { Keywords = "Text;editor;"; TryExec = "kak"; }; }; neomutt = { name = "Neomutt"; genericName = "Email Client"; comment = "View and Send Emails"; exec = "neomutt %U"; terminal = true; type = "Application"; icon = "mutt"; categories = [ "Network" "Email" ]; startupNotify = false; mimeType = [ "x-scheme-handler/mailto" ]; settings = { Keywords = "Mail;E-mail;"; }; }; down_meme = { name = "DownMeme"; genericName = "Download memes"; exec = "down_meme"; terminal = true; type = "Application"; icon = "download"; categories = [ "Network" ]; }; }; # workaround to allow overriding mimeapps file # btw, whatever it was that decided that damn file should always be written is an asshole xdg.configFile."mimeapps.list".force = true; xdg.mimeApps = let createMimeAssociation = (mime_prefix: application: mime_suffix: { "${mime_prefix}/${mime_suffix}" = application; }); createMimeAssociations = (mime_prefix: application: mime_suffixes: lib.foldAttrs (n: _: n) { } (map (createMimeAssociation mime_prefix application) mime_suffixes)); mimes = simple // (createMimeAssociations "text" "kak.desktop" text_suffixes) // (createMimeAssociations "image" "pqiv.desktop" image_suffixes) // (createMimeAssociations "video" "mpv.desktop" video_suffixes); browser_desktop = { firefox = "firefox.desktop"; qutebrowser = "org.qutebrowser.qutebrowser.desktop"; }.${browser}; simple = { "inode/directory" = "thunar.desktop"; "application/pdf" = "org.pwmt.zathura.desktop"; "application/epub+zip" = "org.pwmt.zathura.desktop"; "text/html" = browser_desktop; "x-scheme-handler/http" = browser_desktop; "x-scheme-handler/https" = browser_desktop; "x-scheme-handler/magnet" = "torrent.desktop"; "application/x-bittorrent" = "torrent.desktop"; "x-scheme-handler/mailto" = "thunderbird.desktop"; }; text_suffixes = [ "cache-manifest" "calendar" "css" "csv-schema" "csv" "enriched" "html" "htmlh" "markdown" "org" "plain" "rfc822-headers" "richtext" "rust" "sgml" "spreadsheet" "tab-separated-values" "tcl" "troff" "turtle" "vbscript" "vcard" "vnd.graphviz" "vnd.rn-realtext" "vnd.senx.warpscript" "vnd.sun.j2me.app-descriptor" "vnd.trolltech.linguist" "vnd.wap.wml" "vnd.wap.wmlscript" "vtt" "x-adasrc" "x-authors" "x-bibtex" "x-c++hdr" "x-c++src" "x-changelog" "x-chdr" "x-cmake" "x-cobol" "x-common-lisp" "x-copying" "x-credits" "x-crystal" "x-csharp" "x-csrc" "x-dart" "x-dbus-service" "x-dcl" "x-dsl" "x-dsrc" "x-eiffel" "x-elixir" "x-emacs-lisp" "x-erlang" "x-fortran" "x-gcode-gx" "x-genie" "x-gettext-translation-template" "x-gettext-translation" "x-gherkin" "x-go" "x-google-video-pointer" "x-gradle" "x-groovy" "x-haskell" "x-idl" "x-imelody" "x-install" "x-iptables" "x-java" "x-kaitai-struct" "x-kotlin" "x-ldif" "x-lilypond" "x-literate-haskell" "x-log" "x-lua" "x-makefile" "x-matlab" "x-maven" "x-meson" "x-microdvd" "x-moc" "x-modelica" "x-mof" "x-mpl2" "x-mpsub" "x-mrml" "x-ms-regedit" "x-mup" "x-nfo" "x-objc++src" "x-objcsrc" "x-ocaml" "x-ocl" "x-ooc" "x-opencl-src" "x-opml" "x-pascal" "x-patch" "x-python" "x-python3" "x-qml" "x-readme" "x-reject" "x-rpm-spec" "x-rst" "x-sagemath" "x-sass" "x-scala" "x-scheme" "x-scons" "x-scss" "x-setext" "x-ssa" "x-subviewer" "x-svhdr" "x-svsrc" "x-systemd-unit" "x-tex" "x-texinfo" "x-troff-me" "x-troff-mm" "x-troff-ms" "x-twig" "x-txt2tags" "x-uil" "x-uri" "x-uuencode" "x-vala" "x-verilog" "x-vhdl" "x-xmi" "x-xslfo" "x.gcode" "xmcd" ]; 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in { enable = true; defaultApplications = mimes; }; }; }