vdir: remove vdir

This commit is contained in:
Leonardo Eugênio 2024-06-08 10:00:44 -03:00
parent 6b17b910f8
commit dbd1099e19
5 changed files with 1 additions and 240 deletions

View file

@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
set __fish_complete_todoman_subcomands cancel copy delete done edit flush list move new show
function __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand
not __fish_seen_subcommand_from $__fish_complete_todoman_subcomands
function __fish_complete_todoman_list_todos
todo list |
string replace -r '^\[.\] ' "" |
string replace -r ' ' '\t' |
string replace -r '\t!*' '\t' |
string replace -r '\(.*?\)' ""
function __fish_complete_todoman_config_path
or set -l XDG_CONFIG_DIR "$HOME/.config"
set -l config_path "$XDG_CONFIG_DIR/todoman/config.py"
test -f "$config_path"
and echo "$config_path"
function __fish_complete_todoman_lists_dir
set -l config_path (__fish_complete_todoman_config_path)
or return
# looks something like "~/.local/share/calendars/*"
string replace -fr 'path\s*=\s*"(.*)"\s*$' '$1' < $config_path |
string replace -r '^~' "$HOME" |
string replace -r '\*$' ''
function __fish_complete_todoman_list_lists
set -l lists_path (__fish_complete_todoman_lists_dir)
string replace -r '.*/(.*?)$' '$1' $lists_path/*
#### Initial command definition ####
complete --erase todo
complete -c todo -f
#### Base command flags ####
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -s v -l verbosity -a "CRITICAL ERROR WARNING INFO DEBUG"
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -l colour -l color -a "always auto never"
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -l porcelain -a "Use a stable JSON format"
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -s h -l humanize -a "Format all dates and times in a human friendly way"
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -s c -l config -a "The config file to use."
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -l version -d "Show the version and exit."
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -l help -d "Show this message and exit."
#### Subcommands ####
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a cancel -d 'Cancel one or more tasks'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a copy -d 'Copy tasks to another list'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a delete -d 'Delete tasks'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a done -d 'Mark one or more tasks as done'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a edit -d 'Edit the task with id ID'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a flush -d 'Delete done tasks'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a list -d 'List tasks'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a move -d 'Move tasks to another list'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a new -d 'Create a new task with SUMMARY'
complete -c todo -n __fish_complete_todoman_not_subcomand -a show -d 'Show details about a task'
#### Subcommand flags ####
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from cancel" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Cancel one or more tasks.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from cancel" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from copy" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Cancel one or more tasks.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from copy" -s l -l list -d 'The list to copy the tasks to.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from copy" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from delete" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Delete tasks.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from delete" -l yes -d 'Confirm the action without prompting.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from delete" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from done" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Mark one or more tasks as done.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from done" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Edit the task with id ID.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -l raw -d 'Open the raw file for editing in $EDITOR. Only use this'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -s s -l start -r -d 'When the task starts.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -s d -l due -r -d 'Due date of the task, in the format specified in the configuration.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -l location -r -d 'The location where this todo takes place.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -l priority -r -d 'Priority for this task'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -s i -l interactive -r -d 'Go into interactive mode before saving the task.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from edit" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -d 'Delete done tasks. This will also clear the cache to reset task IDs.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -l yes -d 'Confirm the action without prompting.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -d 'Delete done tasks. This will also clear the cache to reset task IDs.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -l yes -d 'Confirm the action without prompting.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from flush" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_lists)" -d 'List tasks by list name'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l location -r -d 'Only show tasks with location containg TEXT'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l category -d "Only show tasks with category containg"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l grep -d "Only show tasks with message containg"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l sort -d "Sort tasks by field" -a "description location status summary uid rrule percent_complete priority sequence categories completed_at created_at dtstamp start due last_modified"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l reverse -l no-reverse -d 'Sort tasks in reverse order (see --sort)'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l due -d 'Only show tasks due in INTEGER hours'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l priority -r -d 'Only show tasks with priority at least as high as' -a "low medium high"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l start -r -d "Only shows tasks before/after given DATE"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l startable -d "Show only todos which should can be started today"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -s s -l status -r -d "Show only todos with the provided comma-separated" -a "NEEDS-ACTION CANCELLED COMPLETED IN-PROCESS ANY"
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from list" -l help -d "Show this message and exit."
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from move" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Move tasks to another list.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from move" -s l -l list -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_lists)" -d 'The list to move the tasks to.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from move" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -d 'Create a new task with SUMMARY.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -s l -l list -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_lists)" -d 'List in which the task will be saved.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -s r -l read-description -d 'Read task description from stdin.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -s s -l start -d 'When the task starts.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -s d -l due -d 'Due date of the task, in the format specified in the configuration.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -l location -d 'The location where this todo takes place.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -s i -l interactive -d 'Go into interactive mode before saving the task.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from new" -l help -d 'Show this message and exit.'
complete -c todo -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from show" -a "(__fish_complete_todoman_list_todos)" -d 'Show details about a task.'

View file

@ -32,8 +32,6 @@ in
set_color normal set_color normal
bind \cy 'commandline | wl-copy -n' bind \cy 'commandline | wl-copy -n'
${pkgs.todoman}/bin/todo list
''; '';
shellAliases = { shellAliases = {
rm = "trash"; rm = "trash";
@ -85,10 +83,6 @@ in
}; };
xdg.configFile = { xdg.configFile = {
"fish/conf.d/prompt.fish".source = ./fish_prompt.fish; "fish/conf.d/prompt.fish".source = ./fish_prompt.fish;
"fish/completions/" = {
recursive = true;
source = ./completions;
"fish/conf.d/" = { "fish/conf.d/" = {
recursive = true; recursive = true;
source = ./conf.d; source = ./conf.d;

View file

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
./desktop-entries.nix ./desktop-entries.nix
./chat.nix ./chat.nix
./syncthing.nix ./syncthing.nix
./bmenu.nix ./bmenu.nix
./fzf.nix ./fzf.nix
./ranger ./ranger

View file

@ -108,24 +108,8 @@ rec {
mail = { mail = {
personal = { personal = {
from = "Leonardo Eugênio"; from = "Leonardo Eugênio";
user = "lelgenio@disroot.org"; user = "lelgenio@lelgenio.com";
imap = "disroot.org";
smtp = "disroot.org";
pass = "disroot.org";
}; };
work = {
from = "Leonardo Eugênio";
user = "leonardo@wopus.com.br";
imap = "imap.hostinger.com";
smtp = "smtp.hostinger.com";
pass = "Work/wopus_email";
nextcloud = {
name = "disroot";
user = "lelgenio";
host = "cloud.disroot.org";
pass = "disroot.org";
}; };
dmenu = "bmenu"; dmenu = "bmenu";

View file

@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
inherit (config.my) nextcloud;
pass_cmd = (
pkgs.writeShellScript "get_pass" ''
pass "${nextcloud.pass}" | head -n1
systemd.user.services.vdirsyncer = {
Unit.Description = "vdirsyncer calendar and contacts synchronization";
Service = {
Type = "oneshot";
ExecStart = toString (
pkgs.writeShellScript "run-vdirsyncer" ''
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/yes | ${pkgs.vdirsyncer}/bin/vdirsyncer discover
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/yes | ${pkgs.vdirsyncer}/bin/vdirsyncer sync
systemd.user.timers.vdirsyncer = {
Unit.Description = "vdirsyncer calendar and contacts synchronization";
Timer = {
OnCalendar = "*:0/30";
Unit = "vdirsyncer.service";
Install.WantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
xdg.configFile = {
"vdirsyncer/config".text = ''
status_path = "~/.vdirsyncer/status/"
[pair contacts]
a = "contacts_local"
b = "contacts_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
metadata = ["displayname"]
[storage contacts_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.local/share/contacts/"
fileext = ".vcf"
[storage contacts_remote]
type = "carddav"
url = "https://${nextcloud.host}/remote.php/dav/addressbooks/users/${nextcloud.user}/"
username = "${nextcloud.user}"
password.fetch = [ "command", "${pass_cmd}" ]
[pair calendar]
a = "calendar_local"
b = "calendar_remote"
collections = ["from a", "from b"]
metadata = ["displayname", "color"]
conflict_resolution = "b wins"
[storage calendar_local]
type = "filesystem"
path = "~/.local/share/calendars/"
fileext = ".ics"
[storage calendar_remote]
type = "caldav"
url = "https://${nextcloud.host}/remote.php/dav/calendars/${nextcloud.user}/"
username = "${nextcloud.user}"
password.fetch = [ "command", "${pass_cmd}" ]
"todoman/config.py".text = ''
path = "~/.local/share/calendars/*"
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
time_format = "%H:%M"
default_list = "Personal"
default_due = 48
home.packages = with pkgs; [