
63 lines
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try %{
eval %sh{kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session} # Not needed if you load it with plug.kak.
map global normal <F2> ': lsp-rename-prompt<ret>'
set global lsp_hover_max_lines 10
set global lsp_auto_highlight_references true
set global lsp_inlay_diagnostic_sign "●"
set global lsp_diagnostic_line_error_sign "●"
hook global BufCreate .* %{try lsp-enable}
define-command -override -hidden lsp-next-placeholder-bind %{
map global normal <tab> ': try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global insert <tab> '<a-;>: try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global insert <c-o> "<esc>: lsp-code-action-sync Fill<ret>"
define-command -override -hidden lsp-enable-decals %{
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-enable global
lsp-inlay-hints-enable global
define-command -override -hidden lsp-disable-decals %{
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-disable global
lsp-inlay-hints-disable global
try lsp-enable-decals
hook global ModeChange '.*:insert:normal' %{lsp-enable-decals}
hook global ModeChange '.*:normal:insert' %{lsp-disable-decals}
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(c|cpp|rust) %{
hook window -group semantic-tokens BufReload .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens NormalIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook window -group semantic-tokens InsertIdle .* lsp-semantic-tokens
hook -once -always window WinSetOption filetype=.* %{
remove-hooks window semantic-tokens
decl -hidden -docstring "Timestamp of the last check" int last_modified
hook window RawKey .* %{
eval %sh{
if [ "${kak_opt_last_modified}" != "${kak_timestamp}" ]; then
echo "unset-option buffer lsp_inlay_diagnostics"
echo "unset-option buffer lsp_inlay_hints"
set current last_modified %val{timestamp}
declare-option -hidden str modeline_progress ""
define-command -hidden -params 6 -override lsp-handle-progress %{
set global modeline_progress %sh{
if ! "$6"; then
echo "$2${5:+" ($5%)"}${4:+": $4"}"
set global modelinefmt "%%opt{modeline_progress} %opt{modelinefmt}"