Install dzgui on nix-based systems # Installation ## Using flake profiles ```sh # install nix profile install github:lelgenio/dzgui-nix # update nix profile upgrade '.*dzgui.*' ``` ## On non flake NixOs systems ```nix # configuration.nix { pkgs, ... }: let dzgui-nix = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub { owner = "lelgenio"; repo = "dzgui-nix"; rev = "995dd52adc6fe5cbbd4530a9f2add88e1e04d0da"; hash = "sha256-giMAU0PqMOqTe3zQax4rTbhu5efyFcaQu3EP5CqPIaU="; }; dzgui = (pkgs.callPackage "${dzgui-nix}/package"); in { environment.systemPackages = [ dzgui ]; } ``` ## As part of a NixOs system flake Flake users are assumed to have a `flake.nix` file and a `configuration.nix`. 1 - Add `dzgui-nix` as a flake input: ```nix # flake.nix { inputs.dzgui-nix = { # url of this repository, may change in the future url = "github:lelgenio/dzgui-nix"; # save storage by not having duplicates of packages inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; # other inputs... } ``` 2 - Add the `dzgui` package to your environment packages: ```nix # flake.nix { outputs = inputs@{pkgs, ...}: { nixosConfigurations.your-hostname-here = lib.nixosSystem { modules = [ { environment.systemPackages = [ inputs.dzgui-nix.packages.default ]; } # other modules... ]; }; }; } ``` 3 - Rebuild your system ```sh nixos-rebuild --switch --flake .#your-hostname-here ``` Now dzgui will update together with your flake: ```sh nix flake update ```